Apr 28, 2024, 11:09 AM IST

Animals that eat their own babies

Shweta Singh

Female hamsters are known to eat their young if they feel threatened or if they perceive their offspring as unhealthy.


Female mantises sometimes consume their mate or their own offspring, particularly if they are hungry or if the young are weak or ill.

Praying Mantises

Certain frog species, like the African bullfrog, have been observed eating their own tadpoles or eggs if environmental conditions are harsh or food is scarce.

Cannibalistic Frogs

In laboratory settings, stressed or disturbed female rats may cannibalize their pups, especially if they feel threatened or if they're unable to provide enough care.


Some fish species, such as the discus fish, may consume their own eggs or fry if they feel stressed or if their nesting area is threatened.


Female spiders, particularly those in the widow family, may eat their offspring if they sense danger or if they're unable to find enough food to sustain both themselves and their young.


Occasionally, birds like the hammock or weaver species might engage in filial cannibalism, where parents inadvertently consume their own chicks while feeding them.

Hammocks or Weavers

Some species of scorpions have been observed to cannibalize their young if food is scarce or if they feel threatened.


Female octopuses have been documented eating their own eggs, either to ensure their own survival or if they perceive the eggs as unhealthy.
