
Balance coaching classes and college

It’s important to ensure that both schedules do not clash and you have a sufficient gap to recuperate.

Balance coaching classes and college

It’s important to ensure that both schedules do not clash and you have a sufficient gap to recuperate.

Synchronise timing & place:
Selecting a coaching class venue and schedule can be like putting a puzzle together. You need to identify the specific classes you want to take, figure out which days and timings adjust with your college and avoid any overlaps. After all, you can’t be in two places at once! Make sure you have a reasonable workload, spread out somewhat evenly over the week.

Quality of faculty:
Make sure that you verify about the quality of faculty who are being appointed for teaching and their specialisation; whether the professors are simultaneously teaching  in other colleges, whether they are only dedicated to a particular coaching class or teach in others as well. Some classes also occasionally get guest lecturers, who are industry professionals.

Previous track record:
Before registering for any classes check out their prior records. From the highest percentage scored by their students in the previous years to the number of students who failed, get all the details. 

Area of specialisation:
Depending upon your course of interest, find out the area of specialisation of the class. Ensure whether the class is specialising in a particular field whether or whether they are all-rounder catering to any and every type of course. The fee structure is also one of the important facets that should be looked into. “I am preparing for my CAT exams along with my B.Com. I always prefer to choose one of the classes that specialise in the field of CAT-MBA as I think it could provide me with precise knowledge my field,” says a student, Sayli Patel.

Teaching methodology:

How students succeed during exams is largely based on effective teaching methods in the classroom. There are various kinds of methods and technologies being used in certain classes like class participation, demonstration, recitation, e-class technique, and so on. From projectors to white boards Internet and air-conditioning, the efforts are made to facilitate the learning process. “Nowadays most of the classes use latest technologies so that the students can  understand the concept in a better way,” says IIT student Girish Agarwal.
Size of the batches:

The lesser number of students in a batch, the more personal attention and focus they receive from the teacher.  Inquire about the number of students in each batch. Do they mix weak and smart students or keep them separate? “Having more students in a batch makes it difficult for the professor to pay attention to them. There should be a minimum number of students in each batch,” says architecture student Zenon D’silva.

