
Care for a career in psychiatry?

Though psychiatry is better recognised in the West, it is gradually gaining a lot of importance in India also.

Care for a career in psychiatry?

Though psychiatry, an important branch of the medical profession concerned with the study and treatment of mental illness, is better recognised in the West, it is gradually gaining a lot of importance in India also. It deals with mental, emotional and behavioural disorders in a person. In psychiatry, medical therapies are applied to attack the organic source of the disease. After the physical and behavioural symptoms are diagnosed, drugs and other means are used for treatment.

Psychiatrists are physicians who specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health problems, illness and emotional disorders. They look after patients with mental problems, such as depression and schizophrenia.

With the increase in mental tension and stress arising from modern lifestyles, the demand for psychiatrists has gone up manifold. To become a psychiatrist, one should attend a medical school and receive an MD (doctor of medicine) degree, after MBBS. One could also complete a diploma in psychiatric medicine (DPM) from a recognised educational institute to become a qualified psychiatrist.

Doctors who have successfully completed the entire MBBS programme are eligible for specialisation in psychiatry. They may either do a postgraduate course (MD) in psychiatry or a diploma in psychiatric medicine (DPM).

Besides MD and DPM, the National Board of Examinations conducts a programme called diploma of national board exam (DNB). DNB is considered to be the equivalent of an MD degree.

The doctorate (MD) course in psychiatry is of three years’ duration.

The person doing MD has to write a thesis on a particular topic under the guidance of a supervisor. The DPM is of two years’ duration. No thesis has to be written in DPM.

The subjects taught in the MD programme include psychology, anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the brain, neurology and neurosurgery. The course includes practical training at mental hospitals. Special aspects of psychology such as child psychiatry, community psychiatry, social psychiatry, forensic psychiatry and preventive psychiatry also form a part of the academic curriculum.

A person willing to become a psychiatrist should be patient and have the ability to understand people. One of the most important requirements of the job is the ability to listen. Perseverance, emotional stability, genuine concern and sympathy towards patients, besides an objective approach towards their problems, are important.

Good communication skills are also essential to become a good psychiatrist.

