
Now use any method to solve II PU problems

Department will give lecturers three different options for answers to questions in science and maths papers.

Now use any method to solve II PU problems

Here’s a win-win situation for II pre-university course (PUC) students and lecturers evaluating their science and mathematics papers.

Until now, lecturers were unable to award marks to students who had used methods different from that given in the answer key to solve a question, even if the answer was correct. Hence, many students were not awarded marks just because they had deviated from the prescribed method of solving the question.

Now, the pre-university education department has decided to include three different methods that students usually opt to answer a question. “The approach to a question differs from student to student. Even if the answer is correct, evaluators are not allowed to give marks as they are required to follow the prescribed scheme,” a department official said. “We will ask subject experts to comment on the methods that we upload. The popular three methods would then be included in the evaluation key,” the official said.

At present, lecturers are provided with a key to evaluate answer scripts. Complete answers are provided for one and two mark questions, while important points that need to be covered are mentioned for the five and 10 mark questions.

Sources said that the department wanted to implement this in the present academic year. However, the evaluation work had begun by then. Also, primary and secondary education minister Vishveshwar Hegde Kageri had to approve the process, which would require some time.

“This initiative will definitely help students.  In science subjects, accuracy is important, whatever may be the method of approach,” GK Sriram, president of the state’s PU college lecturers’ association, said. He added that the initiative would also ensure an increase in the pass percentage in the science stream.

Students, too, are a relieved lot now. “Questions are framed differently each year. Our approaches to arriving at answers also differ since the teaching style differs from college to college. Students passing out from next year will benefit from this,” said Spoorthy M, a second-year student of MES College, who appeared for the PU exam this year.

