
A visual delight at Aroma 2013

Smruti Bhukkanwala, a doctor by profession and her friend who was a textile designer, left their established professions for the pursuit of art.

A visual delight at Aroma 2013

Feast your eyes on paintings, sculptures and ceramic art works of 26 artists from different parts of India. Aroma 2013 is an endeavour to bring aspiring artists under the same roof as established ones, to provide them with national exposure.

“We are working rigorously to establish this exhibition as a national level platform to promote new talent,” says Pravash Chatterjee, director of the organising committee. Elaborating on how the works were selected, he adds, “We travelled across the country and went to local galleries to hunt for promising artists. Since it is a freestyle exhibition, all participating artists could present their latest creations with no limitation on creativity.”

Smruti Bhukkanwala, a doctor by profession and her friend who was a textile designer, left their established professions for the pursuit of art. “It offers good national exposure to us, as we are still struggling to establish ourselves,” she says. Milon Mukherjee, a veteran artist will be showcasing paintings on the theme of music makers.

“I remember when the riots shook Mumbai in 1993, the train platforms and streets wore a deserted look. From nowhere, a couple of street children at Bandra station gathered and started singing using empty vessels as accompaniments. Soon, a crowd gathered around them and the religious and sectoral boundaries were forgotten,” Milon says, confessing that till date he tries to capture those unknown street singers in his canvas.

Another artist Kiran Chopra will display black and white paintings that reflect the theme of harmony and balance with nature. While artist Subodh Poddar shows his angst at the way we have glorified messengers of God.

