
Angelina Jolie’s bicycle gifts leave Namibian kids thrilled

Angelina Jolie is apparently no less than a saint for the Namibian children she has helped .

Angelina Jolie’s bicycle gifts leave Namibian kids thrilled

Angelina Jolie is apparently no less than a saint for the Namibian children she helped by donating the profits from her family photos of baby Shiloh in 2006.

The kids helped by her are thanking her for distributing the four million dollars she had made from showing off Shiloh, who was born in Namibia, to local schools.

Children attending the Okanimekwa School just can’t thank her enough because the estimated 10,000 dollars their school received in donation helped buy them bicycles.

"She’s (Jolie) a very special person, and we’ll never forget her. She must be a holy person," Contactmusic quoted teenager Emiliana Shikongo as saying in a new Life and Style magazine expose.

And schoolpal Andreas Kristofelius added: "I think Angelina Jolie must be a saint."

The report further revealed that the school bought 75 bicycles to help struggling pupils, and Shikongo was among those to reap the benefits of the gift.

Telling that her new mode of transport has shaved 90 minutes off her journey to school, she said that she no longer left at 5am and returned after dark.

"Now I can stay at school until 4 or 5pm to finish my homework and I still get home before dark. Now my teachers and parents are happy with my performance," she said.

Kristofelius, 17, added: "I used to stay late at school, then walk home to collect firewood to make light so I could finish my homework (because) there is no electricity... Now, with the bicycle, I get to school early, and I’m already working when my teacher arrives. And I can stay later and finish all my homework because it doesn’t take me long to ride home."

