
Bollywood babes and short-term relationships

Hotties Pooja bedi and Barkha bisht speak their mind on short-term relationships

Bollywood babes and short-term relationships

Pooja Bedi, actress and model:
I think it should be different strokes for different folks. When two people get together and decide to have a relationship, then we don’t have any right to interfere in their relationship. If short-term relationships work out best for a couple, then they have the right to settle for them. My advise would be that don’t do anything that will make you feel ashamed of yourself the next day. If you feel okay about it then go ahead and do it. So long  as you are not dong anything illegal and not doing it under the influence of alcohol or substance, then it should be okay with everybody if it’s okay with you. You should never feel bad at any point for lack of control.  There are several toys for women available in the market.

One can make use of them to fulfill your desires and you won’t regret using them too. Having said that, I still love the concept of love that kind off existed in the 1970s which had depth and love. I think that when two people are in love, it’s the most beautiful thing in the whole world and nothing can beat romance. But of course, sex is a very vital part in a relationship and in some cases it might become overpowering.

Barkha Bisht, actress:

I don’t think short-term relationships ever works with anybody. Because the moment you get to know that the person won’t stay with you for a long time, a sense of insecurity steps inside you. One-night stands and short-term relationships make you feel incomplete and empty from within and that is exactly why I won’t recommend that to anybody. In fact I should ask everybody to stay away from it. Short-term relationships are based on lust and not love. When the basis of a relationship is not love, be informed that the relationship is not going to last at all. Sex is a very vital part of a relationship and  I don’t think that a relationship survives without that. But at the same time, sex should not be the be-all and end-all of a relationship. In my opinion every relationship should be a combination… of love and sexual attraction. If it is not so then it is not going to last for a long time.

