
Bollywood tires of Twitter?

B-Town’s superstar regulars haven’t been active on the Net of late. Is this just ‘Twitter fatigue’ or is there more to the story...?

Bollywood tires of Twitter?

They came on Twitter to talk to their fans directly, but it seems they are tired of it now. There has been a lull on updates from many B-Town superstars these days. It’s been more than a month since actor Shah Rukh Khan’s last tweet on his birthday, while actor Aamir Khan’s last tweet was on August 16. Salman Khan, on the other hand, has also started taking tweeting breaks. Many claim that they’ve got ‘Twitter fatigue’.

“Shah Rukh tweeted about his birthday plans and has been silent since. He’s been getting countless messages from his fans everyday, and might reply if he feels like,” says a close friend of the star.

Though Shah Rukh will be back soon, Aamir, says one of his close associates, has no such intentions for now.

“He doesn’t find Twitter interesting anymore.  He’ll probably tweet when his next film gets closer to the release date, but there’s seems to be no such signs as of now,” says an associate of Aamir. However, Aamir’s Twitter mentor, Amitabh Bachchan is still going strong on Twitter though he admits to fatigue once in a while in his blogs.

Actor Priyanka Chopra admits that once in a while she deliberately takes a break because she can feel the fatigue getting the better of her. “I really get tired from doing so many things at one go. So, there are times when I vanish from updates and get into my own space. I know that my fans complain the moment I stop  but there are times when I love to vanish. It is kind of rejuvenating,” says Priyanka.

Actor Imran Khan had earlier said that he would like to stop tweeting because he thinks it sometimes intrudes into his privacy. “I would like to close my Twitter account. I feel that it is sometimes an intrusion into somebody else’s privacy,” said Imran even as reports suggested that the actor was upset because some his fans were constantly hounding him with personal questions regarding his love life and marriage.

