
Celebrities reveal the first among equals

Celebrities reveal how some of the most humble people they’ve met in their life just happen to be those at the top.

Celebrities reveal the first among equals

Humility is a quality as rare as it is fragrant. Yet truly great people are truly humble. As singer Raageshwari Loomba says, “Humility is about treating people as equal in your interactions with them. I do believe that the truly great are humble because they’re secure in their zone and don’t have to prove a point to anyone.”

One of the most humble people she has ever met happens to be Ratan Tata.

She says, “It could be the way that he holds the door open for you and keeps it open until everyone has walked past.”

Politician Shaina NC feels feels that one of the most humble people she’s ever met is superstar Salman Khan.

She says, “If it’s for a good cause and it affects a poor person, then Salman is extremely approachable. During a tree plantation drive, a Kashmiri orphan was trying to get Salman’s attention. Salman not only went across to him and did a jig for him but he floored all the other children alongside as well. And while some people do it because it affects their image, Salman is completely genuine.”

Singer and compere Mansi Scott believes, “Humility is not about self-abnegation. I believe that one needs to have a lot of self-worth to be truly humble. In that sense two people I’ve worked with — Shah Rukh Khan and Abhishek Bachchan come across as genuinely humble. It might be in the way they recall our chance meeting from years ago or in the way they recall the last conversation one has had with them.”

