
Lindsay Lohan heading to rehab by California beach?

The troubled actress is presently serving part of a 90-day term at the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, California after breaking her parole terms relating to a 2007 DUI arrest.

Lindsay Lohan heading to rehab by California beach?

Once she completes her jail sentence for probation violation, Lindsay Lohan will reportedly check into a rehabilitation centre by a sun-kissed California beach.

The troubled actress is presently serving part of a 90-day term at the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, California after breaking her parole terms relating to a 2007 DUI arrest, reports the Daily Express.

The 'Mean Girls star' is expected to walk free from her jail cell as early as Sunday (01Aug10) but must report to rehab within 24 hours of her release, as ordered by the judge, to seek treatment for an alleged prescription drug addiction. reports that the actress will be able to battle her personal demons while sunning herself in Newport Beach, at a facility which specializes in alcohol and opiate detox.

