
Meet Tinseltown’s new kittens

Three glamourous new faces —Shraddha Kapoor, Sonakshi Sinha and Soniya Mehra — talk about their lineage, handling comparisons with their fathers and survival strategies in the industry.

Meet Tinseltown’s new kittens

Their fathers carved a niche for themselves in their heydays. Now, Shraddha Kapoor, Sonakshi Sinha and Soniya Mehra — daughters of Shakti Kapoor, Shatrughan Sinha and the late Vinod Mehra, respectively — are looking to follow in their footsteps. With a good bouquet of movies under their belt, they are looking to become the Next Big Things in Bollywood.

But isn’t their lineage a kind of burden for them? They will be constantly under the microscope with people comparing their acting ability to that of their fathers.

Shraddha says, “I am proud of my lineage and whenever I think about it, it makes me want to better myself, learn more and work harder.”

Soniya adds, “Being my dad’s daughter is an honour. I miss my dad a lot. At times I think what it would have been like if he was still around. But I hope I can live up to his name.”

Sonakshi further says, “It’s great to have a lineage like this because you can’t take things for granted.”

Though the new glam girls are willing to fight it out for survival in Tinseltown, they want to have a lot of fun as well in the process.

Shraddha says, “I’ll always do my best and push myself to improve further and enjoy the process because having fun is the most important element.”

Soniya adds, “I am here because I am passionate about acting and films. It’s definitely a tough industry because everybody is so talented. But there’s space for all of us.”

Sonakshi ends saying, “I am in it because I love the creativity this medium has to offer. I can be someone today and someone else tomorrow. No other profession would give me this scope. So, I want to have fun.”

