
New lessons learnt for Munisha Khatwani

The actress’s six week stint on the reality show Survivor has taught her several things.

New lessons learnt for Munisha Khatwani

Actress Munisha Khatwani’s six week stint on the reality show Survivor has taught her several things, most importantly bringing the realisation that she leads a privileged life in her ‘city environment’.

“We were put on a desert island for several weeks without any basic amenities. But it was a challenge that I wanted to undertake.”

Egged on by her brother who was impressed by the international version of the reality show, Munisha joined 10 other celebrity contestants and 11 commoners to undertake survival challenges on the desert island.

“For me the worst part was coping with the weather, because the nights would be near freezing temperatures and our clothing was very basic.” Plus the contestants also had to deal with a real-life typhoon that hit the island.

Says Muinisha, “Despite this, if I could I would relive those days because it was such an amazing experience in hindsight.” The island  was a beautiful setting and it relieved the mental stress that she had been accustomed to as a city dweller. “There were no bills to pay, no money to be handled, no relationships to be juggled.” On her return, Munisha says she ate herself silly. “I had lived without indulgences for so long that even the simple things of life seemed like unimaginable luxuries.”

Yet the greatest lesson that’s stayed with her post the show — is gratitude. “I now value everything in my life, even the small things like having enough to eat and a bed to sleep in.”

