
'Sach Ka Saamna ' spurs suicide

A 32-year-old woman committed suicide, reportedly after watching the controversial television programme Sach Ka Saamna, in Agra on Sunday.

'Sach Ka Saamna ' spurs suicide
A 32-year-old woman committed suicide, reportedly after watching the controversial television programme Sach Ka Saamna, in Agra on Sunday.

Police said Pallavi was extremely depressed after watching television actress Rupa Ganguly’s confessions, with which she identified with, on the programme’s finale.
According her live-in partner Dharmendra, she felt that “like Ganguly, she too had failed as a mother, daughter and wife”. The episode featuring Ganguly was aired on Friday night. Ganguly is best known for her role as Draupadi in the television series on the epic Mahabharata.

Pallavi, who was found hanging from a ceiling fan, has a 12-year-old son from her estranged husband. She has been living with Dharmendra, who is separated from his wife, for the last few years.

Police said on Sunday afternoon, neighbours knocked on Pallavi’s door but got no response. After some time, they got suspicious and called Dharmendra, who runs a photo studio near the Taj Mahal. When they opened the door, they found Pallavi hanging from a fan.

In a suicide note, she reportedly expressed “deep anguish with life” but said nobody should be held responsible for her death. “Dharmendra told us that Pallavi found similarities between her life and Ganguly’s,” a senior police official said.

