
What is cancer of bone marrow called?

What is cancer of bone marrow called?

What is cancer of bone marrow called?
1. A cancer specialist is known as?
An Oncologist is a doctor who is specially qualified in treating cancer. Oncology, a word derived from Greek Oncos, means a branch which deals with study of tumours.
2. Which of the following are contents of cigarette smoke and known carcinogens?
Tar and nicotine
Asbestos and nicotine
Nicotex and nitrate
Cigarette smoke contains 4000 different chemicals. The number of chemicals, their amount and combination varies from each brand. The chemicals include nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, as well as formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, and DDT. Tar is produced by burning of tobacco. Nicotine is an addictive chemical present in tobacco.
3. To reduce the risk of breast or cervical cancer, a woman should be exposed to which hormone?
Female body releases progesterone hormone during pregnancy. A pregnancy before the age of 30 may help in reducing risk of breast or cervical cancer.
4. Which of the following is a carcinogenic?
Contraceptive pills
Oral contraceptive pills typically contain estrogen. Estrogen puts at an increased risk of breast cancer and tumors thrive in the excessivepresence of this female hormone.
5. A treatment of killing diseased cells or micro-organism is called?
Cancer is caused by uncontrolled growth of group of cells which leads to destruction of surrounding tissue. Chemotherapy is a commonly used treatment to cure cancer. It kills rapidly multiplying cancerous cells in the body.
6. Through which ways Cancer cells can spread to other parts of body?
Blood and Lymph
Cancer is difficult to cure because malignant cells grow rapidly in the body. The cells can spread by three methods, locally spread cancer which grows directly in tissues; a tumour could detach itself from another tumour and slip though wall of blood vessel and it could also spread through the lymphatic system where the tumour travels in lymphatic fluid and gets stuck in the lymph nodes.
7. Which of the following virus can cause cervical cancer?
Borna virus
Human Papillomavirus
Human Papillomavirus or HPV belongs to group of 150 types of viruses. About 40 types of viruses are sexually transmitted and can be easily spread through genital contact. Some HPV infections are common and are without any symptoms. However, in minor cases it can lead to cancer of cervix, vagina, anus, etc.HPV of different types has been found in patients suffering from cervical cancer.
8. Which of the following test is used to detect cervical cancer?
Pap smear test
Cervical cancer is second most common type of cancer found in females. Best way to detect the disease is a pap smear test. It typically involves a sample taken from the cervix and is a routine procedure used by gynecologists. It can detect abnormalities in cells years before the cancer sets in.
9. What is cancer of bone marrow called?
Parathyroid cancer
Leukemia is a term used for cancer where bone marrow produces an abnormal amount of white blood cells.
10. Which of the following hormonal cancer is found in only males?
Pancreatic cancer
Prostate cancer
Colorectal cancer
Prostate cancer is form of cancer that develops in male hormonal gland ‘prostate’, present in the male reproductive system.

