
A spoonful of sugar may be enough to cool a hot temper

Researchers in the US have found that consuming a spoonful of sugar can curb aggression, at least for a short time.

A spoonful of sugar may be enough to cool a hot temper

The next time you feel angry, have a glass of lemonade sweetened with sugar. Or eat a chocolate bar. It may just stop that desire to lash out.

Researchers in the US have found that consuming a spoonful of sugar can curb aggression, at least for a short time.

Their research showed that people who drank a glass of lemonade sweetened with sugar acted less aggressively toward a stranger a few minutes later than did people who consumed lemonade with a sugar substitute.

Researchers believe it all has to do with the glucose, a simple sugar found in the bloodstream that provides energy for the brain.
"Avoiding aggressive impulses takes self control, and self control takes a lot of energy. Glucose provides that energy in the brain," said Brad Bushman, co-author of the study and professor of communication and psychology at Ohio State University.

"Drinking sweetened lemonade helped provide the short-term energy needed to avoid lashing out at others."

The study appears online in the journal Aggressive Behaviour and will be published in a future print edition.

