
Good cholesterol may mean little for statin users: Research

Several companies are working on HDL-raising drugs, which might be combined with statins to develop more potent weapons against heart disease.

Good cholesterol may mean little for statin users: Research

People with high levels of the so-called good cholesterol HDL tend to have fewer heart attacks. But HDL may offer little protective benefit in people who take statins to lower harmful LDL cholesterol, US researchers said on Wednesday.

An analysis of a large study of healthy people who took AstraZeneca's statin drug Crestor to prevent heart attacks found that having high HDL was not a good predictor of heart attack risk.

“Once we get LDL into these very low ranges with very potent statins, HDL no longer predicts future risk of heart disease," said Paul Ridker of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, whose study appears in the journal Lancet.

The findings raise questions about drugs in development to raise HDL to prevent heart attacks, Ridker added.

Several companies are working on HDL-raising drugs, which might be combined with statins, in the hope of developing even more potent weapons against heart disease.

Tiny Canadian biotech company ResVerlogix has an experimental drug in clinical trials that increases production ApoA-1 in blood, which then raises HDL, a compound that helps ferry harmful fats out of the blood.

Raising HDL through increased ApoA-1 is a different approach from other HDL boosters, such as a class known as CETP inhibitors that included torcetrapib, Pfizer's most spectacular clinical failure. Merck & Co and Roche are still developing CETP inhibitors.

Current drugs that raise natural levels of HDL, such as niacin, cause unpleasant side effects like flushing.

In the original study, called JUPITER, patients with average to low levels of low-density lipoprotein or LDL were given Crestor or rosuvastatin, which cut their bad cholesterol concentrations to levels seen in aboriginal populations but rarely seen in Western patients.

People in the study who took Crestor had 54% fewer heart attacks and 48% fewer strokes after two years compared to people who took a placebo.

In the new analysis, Ridker and colleagues looked to see if HDL was still a predictor of heart attack risk in people who took Crestor. They found that HDL was still protective in people who got the placebo, but in those whose cholesterol was lowered by the statin, having high HDL made no difference in predicting which patients would have heart problems.

“In my heart of hearts, I believe the only way to address whether or not new agents that increase HDL will be effective is through well-done, carefully taken out clinical trials. There is no other way to get there," Ridker said.

