
Speeches that gave us Hope

DNA captures how PMs have, in I-Day speeches, reacted to challenges and shared their vision for a better future

  • dna Correspondent
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  • Aug 15, 2017, 03:06 AM IST

DNA captures how PMs have, in I-Day speeches, reacted to challenges and shared their vision for a better future

1. Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru
Aug 15, 1947 to May 27, 1964. Headed Cong govt

Let us think not so much of what we have done but of what we have left undone and what we have done wrongly
In 1948, as Independent India turned one

A country which could not defend its freedom and its territory could not command any respect. Our first duty is to increase the strength of the country
In 1963, a year after China war

2. Lal Bahadur Shastri

Lal Bahadur Shastri

Lal Bahadur Shastri
June 9, 1964  to Jan 11, 1966. Headed Cong govt 

India was prepared for talks with the Chinese, but not at the cost of our honour and self-respect. India could not be cowed down by threat of force of atom bomb
In 1964, as tension with China spiked

Force will be met by force, whether we remain or not. Let this country remain strong and let this flag keep flying
In 1965, on the eve of war with Pakistan

3. Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi
Jan 24, 1966 to March 24, 1977. Jan 14, 1980 to Oct 31, 1984. Headed Cong govt

Let self-confidence and courage be our companions. We have been in touch with movements for liberation everywhere and have contributed to them
In 1972, after defeating Pakistan

Sometime there are demands which please some sections, but annoy others and can lead to serious discontent. 
In 1984, after Op Blue Star

4. Morarji Desai

Morarji Desai

Morarji Desai
March 24, 1977 to July 28, 1979. Headed Janata govt 

You can catch me by the ear, when I make a mistake. But don’t catch me alone, catch all the colleagues of mine if mistakes are committed. That is the kind of people’s power we want to build... This is the government of the janata, not of a dynasty or a despot. The ministers and official class should behave as servants of the people and not like seths

In 1977, after forming 1st non-Cong govt

5. Chaudhary Charan Singh

Chaudhary Charan Singh

Chaudhary Charan Singh
July 28, 1979 to Jan 14, 1980. Headed Janata Party coalition govt

If a man’s public life is not clean, you can well imagine his private life cannot be any better either and he cannot serve the country... India might have to reverse its decision to not manufacture nuclear weapons if Pakistan went ahead with its intent to make a nuclear bomb. There was no other country but India against whom Pakistan’s threat to build a nuclear bomb was aimed at

In 1979, as nuclear race peaked

6. Rajiv Gandhi

Rajiv Gandhi

Rajiv Gandhi
Oct 31, 1984 to Dec 2, 1989. 
Headed Cong govt

We have to make India self-reliant. We have to develop India into a great power in the world but not like the great powers that have been rising by suppressing others

In 1989, as scandals hit his credibility

7. VP Singh

VP Singh

VP Singh
Dec 2, 1989 to Nov 10, 1990. 
Headed Janata Dal coalition govt 

We believe that no section can be uplifted merely by money. They can develop only if they have a share in power and we are prepared to give them this share. In this year of justice... in memory of Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar, the government has recently taken a decision to give reservations to the backward classes in jobs in government and public sector

In 1990, after implementing Mandal report  

8. PV Narasimha Rao

PV Narasimha Rao

PV Narasimha Rao
June 21, 1991 to May 16, 1996. 
Headed Cong govt  

The trouble is not from within Kashmir, but it comes from across the borders. Terrorists have no right to live. As for Ayodhya, it is necessary to say that destruction there was such that it has badly tarnished India’s image. In such a big country, will we allow two or three bombs to put the economy in disarray? We will just not permit this to happen

In 1993, after Babri demolition and Bombay blasts

9. HD Deve Gowda

HD Deve Gowda

HD Deve Gowda
June 1, 1996 to April 21, 1997. Headed United Front govt              

I lived in a village, have seen sufferings of rural people up close. I am a common man and understand the problems faced by rural folk
In 1996, while keeping his promise to deliver I-Day speech in Hindi

10. IK Gujral

IK Gujral

IK Gujral
April 21, 1997 to March 19, 1998. Headed United Front govt

Our war against corruption is honest. For this, we should build a mass movement, in which all Indians can take part to end corruption in politics, politicians and in public life
In 1997, celebrating India’s 50th Independence

11. AB Vajpayee

AB Vajpayee

AB Vajpayee
May 16, 1996 to June 1, 1996. 
March 19, 1998 to May 22, 2004. Headed NDA govt

All of us bow our heads in gratitude. We saw the impossible summits, which our heroes overcame and pushed out the enemy. To gain victory at such heights is not only to surmount the sky-piercing peaks, it displays the full might of the nation. We need peace in order to raise the standard of living of the people in both countries. (But) for peace, we need trust
In 1999, after Kargil conflict

12. Manmohan Singh

Manmohan Singh

Manmohan Singh
May 22, 2004 to May 26, 2014. Headed UPA govt

The area of national security calls for constant vigil. We have not been successful in preventing Naxal attacks that happen from time to time. The Naxal violence in Chhattisgarh on 25 May was a frontal attack on our democracy. Recently, there was a dastardly attack on our jawans on the Line of Control with Pakistan. We will take all possible steps to prevent such incidents in the future
In 2013, as India faced increased Naxal threat

13. Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi
May 26, 2014-till date. 
Heading NDA govt

I am present amidst you not as the Prime Minister, but as the Prime Servant. Let’s resolve to steer the country to one destination. We have it in us to move in that direction. My dear countrymen, believe in my words, I do assure you. Shun all the sins committed so far, give up that way, follow the way of goodwill and brotherhood, and let’s resolve to take the country forward. I believe we can do that
In 2014, after sweeping to power with a massive mandate

