
I’m just a drop in the ocean, says designer Krishna Mehta

The leading fashion designer recently unveiled her summer collection of tunics in Bangalore.

I’m just a drop in the ocean, says designer Krishna Mehta

Leading fashion designer Krishna Mehta who recently unveiled her summer collection of tunics in Bangalore spoke to DNA about her collection.

Q: What do you keep in mind while designing for a collection?
India has many different styles within the country. Therefore, the target audience needs to be kept in mind, including the age group, while designing for a collection. Depending on the target audience, I go ahead and design my clothes. I also keep the region in mind. My designs are specific to the cultures of the region and the season. The latest trends are important to keep track of. Once you keep up with the look of the season, you keep up with the market. Currently, the Pakistani look of long kurtas, short tunics and patiala pants are in trend.

Q: Do you have a formal education in design? Is it important to have a formal education to get into designing?
A: I do have a formal education in design. I studied design at Sapphire College. I did a one year course at Nirmala Niketan and learnt weaving and block printing for another year. In 1982, I decided to join my husband’s business of garment export and got into designing in 1988. Although a formal education is not a necessity, it’s important to learn the basics of designing. Most of all, it’s important to have an eye for things. Having an aesthetic sense will take a designer a long way.

Q: What textures and styles do you use for your collections?
It varies from season to season. It is important to keep evolving and updating yourself with the different styles.

Q: Why are designer brands highly priced?
There’s a lot that goes into being a designer brand. The infrastructure and cost of production is about four times higher. Mass production is much easier and less costly.

Q: Finally, what does it take to be a leading fashion brand?
There are no designer brands in the country, as yet. No designer has come close to being a ‘brand’. 30 years in this business and I’m nowhere close to where I want to be. I’m still just a drop in the ocean.

