
Devising a smart SMS spam blocker and hoping to make a meal of it

Sagar Bedmutha, 29, has turned his innovation SMS-Blocker — an ‘intelligent anti-spamming software for mobile phones’ — into an enterprise called Optinno Mobitech.

Devising a smart SMS spam blocker and hoping to make a meal of it

Sagar Bedmutha, 29, has turned his innovation SMS-Blocker — an ‘intelligent anti-spamming software for mobile phones’ — into an enterprise called Optinno Mobitech. He thinks every innovation is interesting and is followed by entrepreneurial adventures that are challenging.

Bedmutha tells DNA that his innovation aims to block spam messages almost without user intervention. Unlike the currently available spam blockers, where a user has to manually enter mobile phone numbers suspected of spamming, smsBlocker’s applications use an intelligent analytical engine to automatically identify spam messages.

The application has over 6,000 pre-defined spam cases created from permutations and combinations. It compares all incoming messages with known cases of spam. Whenever the programme is unsure, it asks for user confirmation before adding the sender to the spam list for future blocking.

Bedmutha says the readers of DNA can call him on+91-9890999199 for feedback.

Is this your first idea that clicked?
No. The first idea was a mobile phone application that can block SMS and calls. smsBlocker was our second attempt that really worked.

What are you currently working on?
We are developing smsBlocker for other mobile platforms such as Android and BlackBerry.

Given a choice, would you work independently or with a research institution?
I would work as an entrepreneur. I have an entrepreneurial personality and I am quite passionate about it. I am obsessed about implementing innovation which makes an impact rather than just doing research. Technology research provides one dimensional challenge, i.e. creating better technology.

Entrepreneurship provides multidimensional challenges—-technology, funding, manpower, competition and so on. But the high risk in entrepreneurship is proportional to high rewards.

Is innovation an end in itself or is it a means to be an entrepreneur?
I feel making an impact through innovation is important. Innovation without any purpose is of no value.

Does India value and reward its innovators?
Innovators are seldom recognised. Moreover, the education system in India gives more importance to numbers (marks) than actual creativity, talent and skills.

Has your innovation made material difference to your standard of living?
Yes. It has forced me to substantially cut my living expenses as the savings were used in running the company (i.e. product development). But I have no regrets.

Who are your biggest influences?
Innovators and businessmen influence me.

What has been your biggest mistake?
Lack of focus in the early stage of my career was the biggest mistake.

If you could go back and change one thing about your life as an innovator, what would it be?
When I was in school, I hardly went beyond the textbooks. I should have done in-depth study of science and mathematics and experimented a lot more.

Did you have a childhood dream?
I did not know what I wanted to be. It was only during the engineering course that I realised my strength and interest in innovation and business.

