
Honda Motor to boost annual world production by 6%: Report

The world's 7th-biggest automaker expects to see sales grow in emerging nations such as China, as well as a recovery in sales in the United States, Asahi said without citing a source.

Honda Motor to boost annual world production by 6%: Report

Automaker Honda Motor Co plans to produce 3.59 million units in the world next financial year to start in April, up 6 percent from this financial year's outlook on rising sales, Asahi newspaper reported on Saturday.                                           

The world's 7th-biggest automaker expects to see sales grow in emerging nations such as China, as well as a recovery in sales in the United States, Asahi said without citing a source. 

The company plans to produce 1.29 million units in North America next financial year, up 110,000 units from the current financial year, and 980,000 units in Japan, up 70,000 units, Asahi reported.

A spokesperson at Honda could not be reached immediately for comment.                                        

