
Iran policy must get more realistic

India has always claimed that it supports Iran in spite of international pressure because of a joint ‘civilisational’ bond.

Iran policy must get more realistic

India has always claimed that it supports Iran in spite of international pressure because of a joint ‘civilisational’ bond. However, the ministry of external affairs has taken offence at remarks by Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, that clearly support the separatist struggle in Kashmir.

It has retaliated by summoning Iran’s charge d’affaires and expressing “deep disappointment” over the remarks and by abstaining from voting on a UN resolution on human rights abuses in Iran. India had so far stood by Iran.

However, ‘historical and civilisational’ support notwithstanding, Iran has often done contradictory things. It has stood for ‘pan-Islamism’ at meetings of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) but privately assured India that these were merely geopolitical posturings driven by need to show solidarity.

By abstaining from the UN vote, India appears to be sending a message that double-speak will not do. There has also been considerable international pressure — not least from US president Barack Obama during his recent visit — on
India to take a stand against Iran’s human rights violations and on the issue of nuclear proliferation.

It’s quite clear what India should do. On the one hand, it needs to enunciate a policy on Iran driven by its own national interest, without seeming to kowtow to the US or international pressure. On the other hand, it needs to tell Iran that it cannot run with the hare and hunt with the Islamist hound. If it is concerned by US influence on India, we need to be equally clear that dabbling in Kashmir is not on. And this is not the first time Ali Khamenei has made provocative remarks about Kashmir.

Pragmatic diplomacy has to be the answer. The situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan has already threatened the neighbourhood to breaking point. Relations between India and Iran cannot be allowed to sour under these circumstances. The western world has long been fighting a losing battle against Iran and would like India to join in; but the west’s other battles have not always worked in India’s favour. India has to walk this path alone — but it also needs to be assertive about its interests.

