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Why can’t we consider Shashi Tharoor as a common man, without considering any political tags attached to him and read his tweets in that context?

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The article ‘Let Tharoor tweet for democracy’s sake’, by Ranjona Banerji (DNA, December 29) was really good. I think applications like twitter and Facebook test our democratic principles. Why can’t we consider Shashi Tharoor as a common man, without considering any political tags attached to him and read his tweets in that context?
—Parag Kale, via email

Well done, DNA
Though DNA had done moderately well during the last year, it excelled in the year-ender, The Noughties special issues which tackled the important issues of 2009 as well as the decade with finesse and insight. The layout was interesting, the photographs excellent and the stories very good. Especially striking was the page of Manjul’s cartoons, which were a delight. All the best DNA in the New Year.
—Kalpesh Rana, via email

Mysterious explosion
Apropos ‘Blast in BARC lab kills 2 scientists’, (DNA, December 30), this is the third time in the recent past that nuclear establishments have had such a dangerous experiences; the previous incidents happened in Karnataka and Maharashtra. The BARC lab had a powerful blaze leaving only bones on the bodies of PhD aspirants Umang Singh and Partha Bagh although it had satisfactory security and no inflammable chemicals.

Fortunately the nearby BARC reactors are safe. The incident should be investigated to determine if it could be a terrorist-organised explosion as it is alleged that LeT operative David Headley had surveyed that place sometime back. 
—Achyut Railkar, Mumbai

Formula for success
The article ‘Seven thoughts for managers of the future’, by R Jagannathan (DNA.Money, December 28) was inspiring and made for a great read. I have some points to add : One has to take inspiration from success stories but try to carve out his own path. One has to ask the right questions and find out the answers to his questions. One who finds out the answers to his questions effectively gets to the path of success.

One has to grab the opportunities or luck coming his way and make use of it effectively. Once one tastes success, he has to be consistent and his rate of success will be compounded. One has to weed out incompetence to emerges victorious. As no one can taste success unless it comes, no one knows of failure till it occurs to him. However, the one who learns from his failures and is able to weather the storms of failures emerges successful in his life.
—Suresh Iyer, via email

Justice done

This refers to ‘10 reasons why Rathore should be jailed ‘ by Antara Dev Sen (DNA, December 31). She has mentioned 10 very apt reasons for putting former Director General of Haryana police, SPS Rathore, behind bars. The reasons enumerated raise many questions against the police officials involved. Now that our home ministry and the law ministry are evincing interest in this incident and exploring the legal avenues to punish Rathore, we feel justice will be done  to Ruchika’s family.
—Jitendra Kothari, via email

Farewell 2009
The year 2009 will be remembered for several reasons. Some of them are : swine flu, a pandemic that spelled havoc, particularly in Pune. The CBI decided to close the Quattarochi case. 17 years, 48 extensions and Rs8 crore of public money wasted, Justice Liberhan finally submitted his report on the Babri Masjid demolition, with a new revelation indicting Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

DGP SPS Rathore’s molestation case rocked the nation. AP Governor ND Tiwari’s alleged sex scandal shocked the nation. On the brighter side, 2009 will be remembered for: Chandrayaan-I having done its job by finding water on the moon. The Delhi High Court struck down the provision of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which criminalised consensual homosexual acts. HRD minister Kapil Sibal’s overhaul of the basic and advanced education system in India. In all 2009 was a memorable year.
—Bidyut Kumar Chatterjee, Faridabad

