
The Shenzhen Youth Fund Opens Social Service Competition To Students From Around The World

The Shenzhen Youth Fund Opens Social Service Competition To Students From Around The World

The Shenzhen Youth Fund Opens Social Service Competition To Students From Around The World

SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 28, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The 2nd International Creativity in Social Service and Awareness Competition is now open for registration to students in middle schools worldwide.

The Organizing Committee will select the most creative and practical social service plans from primary and middle school students worldwide, and support them with funding, technological, and all necessary organizational resources.

The competition is headed by the Shenzhen Press Group, Shenzhen Municipality Education Bureau, and Shenzhen Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau.

Shenzhen Charity Federation, Shenzhen Education and Inner Development Youth Fund (EIDYF), Shenzhen Metropolis Daily and Ivy Elite Education (IEE) will jointly organize the competition.

"The competition aims to bring together the best nonprofit organizations, enterprises, and student unions in middle schools and universities from China and abroad, to join together in student project teams, which can form a '1 student project + 1 local NGO/enterprise + 1 international student union' project implementation team," said Hu Xiaohong, Chief Counselor of the competition, President of IEE (Greater China).

"The competition is an innovative activity combining social service and education. Nonprofit organizations and businesses have the chance to help the younger generation to learn and participate in social projects and to improve their own personal development in the process," said Liang Yudong, Administrative Committee Head of EIDYF.

"The competition provides a model for our youth to understand the practical aspects of social service and working in the community. We hope more students, especially international student leaders will join and learn from the experience," said Liang.

The competition is the largest international social service and awareness competition in China and is held twice a year. This year, organizers expect over 50,000 students participants from over 300 middle schools across mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the US. Hundreds of nonprofit organizations in mainland China and Hong Kong are expected to join as well.

Students can register on the official website of the competition and submit applications in Chinese or English. The application deadline is 15th December.

Shenzhen Education and Inner Development Youth Fund (EIDYF)

EIDYF aims to train the social consciousness, social responsibility, imagination and creativity of Chinese youth. It introduces social awareness campaigns and designs practical projects for Chinese youth to compensate for the lack of these opportunities in traditional education. All this effort is to guide students to grow adaptively and develop sound personalities.

The fund selects and awards funding and other assistance to those youth clubs and organizations that show outstanding results. The ultimate goal is to form a complete system to train and develop the social and practical abilities of today's modern youth.

The fund welcomes collaboration and partnerships, domestically and abroad, to develop and launch social service projects and activities that lead to the positive development of Chinese youth.

SOURCE Shenzhen Education and Inner Development Youth Fund (EIDYF)

