
MTech aviation course: Move to get fee discount, bank loan for students

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MTech aviation course: Move to get fee discount, bank loan for students


Following lukewarm response to the ambitious MTech aviation course of Univeristy of Pune (UoP), the varsity has decided to attract candidates who have cancelled admission by obtaining education loans and financial assistance. The varsity is also seeking discounts in course fee from the German aviation school that it has tied up with.

dna on November 22 had highlighted the issue (Only 5 students are on board UoP MTech aviation course).

Twelve of the 20 registered candidates cancelled their admission to the course citing their inability to pay the hefty fee due to fluctuating Euro to Indian rupee.

University officials said that stringent Reserve Bank of India (RBI) rules regarding education loan have led many to withdraw admission. Parents of two girls withdrew admissions stating that it was not ‘appropriate’ for girls. The students will have to pay Rs55 lakh for the two-year course that will cover issuance of flying licence, medical and other expenses.

In July, UoP signed an MoU with Germany-based flying institute Fachschule fur Luftfahrzeugfuhrer (FFL) to offer MTech-Aviation course to Indian students.

UoP vice chancellor Vasudev Gade said, “We are excepting 15 students to join the course and some aspirants from other states are approaching us. We are trying to make a loan proposal with the bank to benefit students. We are also trying to negotiate with the German firm for making some special discounts for the course.”

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