
RAINBOW GURU: What is this whole section 377 debate?

Section 377 is not a law that Indians made. It was made by the British and should have left with them.

RAINBOW GURU: What is this whole section 377 debate?
Sushant Divgikar

What is this whole section 377 debate? I don’t see anything wrong with it. Why should gay people flaunt that they have sex? What is the idea behind the sex they have? It doesn’t make sense. They can’t have children with gay sex...


Did you know that Section 377 also applies to straight people? It criminalises any sex that isn’t peno-vaginal — that means all the fun stuff even heterosexuals do in the bedroom (or wherever else). 

Doesn’t this affect your and mine basic fundamental right to privacy? I mean, would you like someone peeping into your bedroom and seeing what you’re doing, who you are doing and how you’re doing it? 

Please wake up and smell the coffee (or whatever else wakes you up). 

Section 377 is not a law that Indians made. It was made by the British and should have left with them. India was an extremely diverse country when it came to sexual expression before Colonial rule. So why are we still adopting values that outsiders introduced about two centuries back?

They have legalised LGBT marriages, unions and have provided LGBT people with equal rights in their country, but we have decided to hold onto something that has stuck around like the stench from a gutter.

And flaunting our sexual activity is exactly what we don’t want! We don’t want people peeping into our private life and putting it on the front page.

And regarding the usefulness of sex if it doesn’t lead to a child, if every time you masturbated or had sex resulted in procreation, would you like to tell our readers how many children you would have had by now?

Matlab, let’s just save everyone the trouble and get rid of this section, no?

(Psychologist and performer, Mr Gay World India 2014 Sushant Divgikar is your counsellor, guide and conscience through the choppy waters of sexuality)


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