
ATKT rule: The magic wand for students or a populist move?

By introducing the ATKT system for SSC and HSC students I think in some way we are just prolonging the reality check for students.

ATKT rule: The magic wand for students or a populist move?
The entire purpose of examinations will be lost now
By introducing the ATKT system for SSC and HSC students I think in some way we are just prolonging the reality check for students. Children will avoid taking exams seriously if this ruling is implemented. And at some stage it’s important that they know their aptitude.
We have the no-pass-no-fail option till fifth standard, and now having the ATKT system for SSC students will destroy the whole purpose of having examinations. They made face a road block somewhere not knowing how to go ahead.
There are better ways to reduce stress that the students face. By giving them such an option we are not rectifying the problem, rather we are taking them away from the reality.
There were talks about introducing the grading system for 10 standard exams but for which there is no information about the modality. If the grading system is again based on marks then it won’t solve the problem. There is need for better educational institutions in our country so that the demand doesn’t exceed the supply.
–Avnita Bir, principal, RN Podar College

Introducing ATKT will degrade the quality of education 
I don’t agree with the new proposal of ATKT for students in HSC and SSC. Firstly, it would bring down the quality of education in our school and colleges. Secondly, the students would not have any motivation to study, I agree to the fact that this move would reduce the level of stress in a child’s life but then we would fail to accomplish the basic principle of conducting board exams. These exams determine a child future and steps like these will not solve any purpose. 
And we don’t even know whether the colleges would take these students because after the final list is out they would hardly have any seats vacant. This decision is also unfair to the students who slog through out the year. Decision like this should be taken after constant debates with the educational authorities and thorough research should be conducted. One just can’t take such an extreme decision and then decide to implement it from this academic year. You have to give in some thoughts I won’t be surprise if it causes uproar among students.
–Arundhati Chavan, president parent teacher association

How will students learn to face competition?
We give too much importance to board exams and many think that failing them means a complete road block for further progress. Thus, the system will give hope to them and will also reduce the number of suicides after the results are declared. Moreover, parents will also relax as their children will be able to continue with their studies without wasting a year. This will reduce parental pressure on children.
But every coin has two sides and so does this proposal. We have to consider the various consequences it might have on students’ psyche. For instance, now they will forget the importance of the board exams and take them easily. We must not forget that exams are building blocks in a child’s life as it helps them to take things sincerely and make decisions good for them. 
If the system is followed then SSC or HSC students will not be able to handle competition later in their career or life. The government should look at the larger picture. Also, lack of uniform rules for the examinations in the country will once again create disparity among the students of different boards.
I think that the ATKT rule should be applicable only on the basis of a genuine reason. For example, if a student, who are good in studies, cannot take an examination due to some inescapable situation then this rule seems worthy. But by generalising the ATKT rules can harm the whole purpose of education.
The standard of scoring marks in SSC or HSC will further go down as compared to other boards because of it. It will be difficult to upgrade the standard of scoring good marks.
–Anjali Chhabria, counsellor and psychologist

