
Bitter truth about sweet disease

People must consult their doctor before embarking on any fitness regimen. Most trainers recommend aerobics, which make people, breathe deeply and the heart operate at full capacity.

Bitter truth about sweet disease

There are no limitations for physical exercise
People must consult their doctor before embarking on any fitness regimen. Most trainers recommend aerobics, which make people, breathe deeply and the heart operate at full capacity. Aerobic exercises include walking, jogging, dancing and cycling. Despite the nature of any exercise, you should warm up before you start and cool down when you are done. To warm up, spend 10 minutes doing a low-intensity exercise such as walking. Then gently stretch for another 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat these steps after exercising to cool down. When you start an exercise programme, go slowly. Gradually increase the intensity and length of the workout, since you will be able to build on your strength.
Diabetes checklist
n    Record blood sugar level before and after exercising.
n    Check feet for blisters or sores before and after exercising.
n    Drink plenty of fluid before, during and after workout.
n    Have a snack handy in case your blood sugar drops too low.

—Divesh Koli, fitness counsellor, Power House Gym

Naturopathy can control and mitigate damage
Naturopathy is an art and science of non-invasive healthcare and health assessment. The emphasis is given on natural substances, use of fruit juices, vitamins and enzymes along with proper exercise. Diabetes cannot be cured, but can be controlled with the help of naturopathy. A wholesome diet plays an important role in control. Such diet should comprise freshly prepared vegetarian food. Half an hour before a meal, have salads like green cucumber, purple cabbage, raddish or carrot. This will give a good amount of vitamins and minerals.  Mornings should start with citrus fruits like guava, papaya, pineapple and amla. Orange, sweet lime or cherries can be consumed after half an hour. This should be followed by breath cleansing pranayam and yogasanas (under guidance). In the evening, herbal lemon tea with jaggary should be consumed. For intermittent snacks, one can take have Rajgeera chikki or laddu or two walnuts or almonds with warm water, which will give essential fatty acids. A person should take a brisk walk for twenty minutes, in the evening. For dinner, you should have eatables like two phulkas (roti) and green leafy vegetable (one bowl) or steamed sprouts of moong, moth or matki. Have dinner two hours before bed time.
    —Prakash Kondekar, naturopath

Easy availability of fast food is a contributing factor
Diabetes is known to be a genetic disorder and this is true in the Indian context. Our genes make us highly prone to diabetes. If both parents have diabetes, there is an 80% chance that kids will also have the condition. If one parent is having diabetes then there is a 30% chance children will get it. This is the type II diabetes, which children can succumb to if their lifestyle is not in control. So this is a high risk category we are talking about, since Indians are prone to contracting the problem. We have adopted a complete western lifestyle and type II diabetes, which was common in senior citizens, is now being detected in children as old 10 years. I tell my patients to change their perception that only cute and chubby babies are healthy. Also youngsters are leading quite stressful lives. They are occupied for long hours with school, college and tution classes. Easy availability of fast food and children consuming carbohydrates and fatty foodstuff is also a contributing factor. We are lax when it comes to our health and wait for some major symptoms to surface and only then we do act.
—Dr Phulrenu Chauhan, consultant endocrinologist, Hinduja Hospital

Yoga helps to keep stress levels down
Our daily hectic schedule is one of the reasons that contribute to diabetes. I’m suffering from the condition from the last 17 years. I do yoga which keeps my stress levels in control and I take interest in music and listening to Indian classical music. Individuals must avoid junk (especially non-vegetarian) food, alcohol and smoking. Many are ignorant about their sugar levels because we still believe that diabetes is a disease that only affects senior citizens. Even general practitioners are sometimes not aware that a child can also get diabetes. There is also a certain stigma attached to the condition, we don't want to let the society know that we suffer from the ailment.    
—Milind M, senior analyst

Knowledge of ailment made me stronger
In 2000, I was diagnosed of type 2 diabetes. The normal sugar level should be around 140, but mine was 160 so it was a borderline case. Hence, my doctor told me that I needn’t take tablets, but I need to follow a strict diet. Apart from reducing sugar intake, I was also told to exercise and avoid junk food. Now I have joined yoga classes and try to fit in evening walks into my daily routine and follow a strict diet. It hasn’t shattered me, on the contrary, it has had a positive effect in my life. I was overweight earlier, but now I’m fit and feel healthy. People should try to maintain a good lifestyle, especially due to an overstressed routine.  
—Shantadurga Danait, senior clerk

Safeguards help me live normal life

Seven years ago, I got to know that I was a diabetic. Initially it was difficult since I felt fatigue. But when I followed the lifestyle recommended by doctors, everything become normal. I feel the same energy level, that I had seven years ago. I walk six km everyday in the morning. I have bought a device with which I regularly check my sugar level. I have a balanced diet which helps in retaining energy and controlling my sugar level. I conduct business trips normally and I don’t find any difference in my routine. I can still do my work with full concentration.
—Jayant Churi, businessman

Genetic composition and lifestyle are main causes
Diabetes is on the rise these days. Its main causes are genetic composition and lifestyle.
Type 1: Prevalent in children and adolescents. It is genetic wherein insulin in pancreas is destroyed. The deficiency makes a person dependant on insulin injections everyday from day one. It’s a rare type and only three out of 100 suffer from it.
Type 2: The most common type is spreading like an epidemic. It is found mainly in adults and out of 100 almost 90 people suffer from it. It is genetic but the main cause is a sedentary lifestyle. People who are obese, lead a stressful life and binge on unhealthy food are likely to suffer from it.
Gestational Diabetes: It is found in pregnant women. It is defined as a degree of glucose intolerance, with the onset of pregnancy. The cause is mainly due to women opting for late pregnancies, say after their 30s. As age increases risks of it also increase.
Secondary Diabetes: Caused due to drugs like steroids or spread of viral infections which affect pancreas or due to enormous intake of alcohol. When insulin producing cells are destroyed, one becomes a patient.    
— Archana Juneja,  consultant endocrinologist, Wockhardt Hospitals -A Network of Fortis

