
Educators give children smart makeover

Unique non-commercial venture takes kids on field trips around city to impart practical training.

Educators give children smart makeover

In today’s world where parents are busy with their jobs, they hardly get time to take their children around except to a mall or movies. Now to fill this gap, an organisation is focussing on educational visits in and around Mumbai. 

@MINDS conducts edutainment workshops with a blend of education and entertainment. The programme workshop is based on gaining practical training. It engages students to optimise their creative skills by learning new concepts.

They are encouraged by active participation, followed by a question and answer session.  Rupal Kulkarni and Sonali Wagle initiated this small non-commercial venture to create awareness among parents about the importance of complimentary and comprehensive learning, through field trips and workshops.

“Purpose of the trips is to encourage observation, non-experimental research and experience the outside world. The benefits comprise assimilating difficult information, exposure to new environment and breaking out of established formats,” said Sonali Wagle.  

@Minds workshops are basically filled with activity and learning combined with general knowledge. A workshop begins with a general knowledge session and ends with a session on personality development and group discussions.

Field trips
Regarding the planning of field trips, Rupal Kulkarni said, “Most trips are usually factory visits. This gives children a holistic view and broadens their outlook. Most children above the age of eight come for the trips.”

So far, the trips to a postage exhibition and a biscuit factory got good response. In the process, several industries comprising food, beverages, paints, communication, transportation, hospitality and printing in Mumbai will be covered. The programme is complimented by creative English and general knowledge workshops.

Their aim is that such learning will help children to develop judgment, decision making and ability to sustain in the competitive world. Although Rupal and Sonali run their own entrepreneurial ventures, the urge for strengthening educational standards induced them to start this unique programme. 

Child development
For them the concept originated when they identified loopholes in the present educational system, where the focus continues to be on the professional qualifications to seek jobs.

“School syllabus is mainly oriented towards a pattern of inputs far removed from reality. Also several aspects of life, such as risk-taking abilities, confidence, managing stress, incidental learning, communication skills, entrepreneurial initiatives, general knowledge and creativity continue to be neglected. In the process, overall development of a child hardly reaches the optimal level,” said Sonali Wagle.  

The experience for the educators has also been edifying and they have been able to gauge level of innocence. “During a postal exhibition, every child was asked to send a postcard to someone. While some of them wrote to their mothers wishing them a happy Diwali, others wrote to their favourite actors. Most didn’t even bother to apply postage, thinking the letter would reach the desired residence,” added Rupal.

