
NGO makes foray into cyber sphere to search for volunteers

Develops a online portal to bridge gap between social workers and the needy.

NGO makes foray into cyber sphere to search for volunteers

Each of us has some skill which can benefit others and be productively used to change something in society. Some could use their ability to teach the unlettered, provide technical skills and read out books to the visually-challenged.

Even if you want to help others and contribute to the society which needs such assistance, there is problem of connectivity between social workers and those needy of help.

For bridging this gap, Mastek Foundation launched a website called in partnership with two months ago.

“Mastek Foundation always believes in helping the disadvantaged section of society. But there are always doubts if your donation is utilised for the right cause and whether the aid has reached the deserving individual. Hence to dispel all doubts, and help them understand the real issues of society, it is very important to create a transparent platform between volunteers and society,” said Sanjay Mudnaney, assistant general manager of Mastek Foundation.

He added, “The idea of connecting people was conceptualised after Mastek employees
came together to adopt a village called Dhawalpuri in Ahmednagar. Our staff undertook a programme of electrification using solar lamps. They also helped the tribal village in building reservoirs and installing pipelines to supply water to the village. Earlier villagers had to fetch water from a distance of 3 km. This made us realise the need for a platform, where all people could come together for helping society in a bigger way,” added Mudnaney.

The web portal enables you to choose the kind of assistance you want to impart to any society. For this first of all you have to register at the website, which takes a few seconds.
Volunteers have to give their contact details like name, email address, location and the type of volunteering that they want to do.

After finishing registration, volunteers can choose the NGO with which they want to volunteer. The portal contains a list of NGOs engaged in various causes and social activities. Volunteering opportunities include working for community development, individual social responsibility - where working professionals are encouraged to be a part of volunteering.

Those with the knowledge of activities can teach plumbing, carpentry and stitching so that the underprivileged sections can benefit from the income-generating skills.

Even NGOs can register themselves for seeking volunteers and advocate their cause through the portal. A separate data centre has also been developed by Developed Nation Network Trust, a national NGO, which will have volunteers available in case of local, regional and national emergencies.

