
Bolt just craves a little peace and quiet

Triple Olympic and world champion Usain Bolt has enjoyed a record-breaking two years but is now looking to slow down and "chill" a little.

Bolt just craves a little peace and quiet

Triple Olympic and world champion Usain Bolt has enjoyed a record-breaking two years but is now looking to slow down and "chill" a little, he told Reuters in an interview.

Back home in Jamaica after another globe-trotting season in which he broke the 100 m world record for the third time, Bolt is finally hoping to relax before a year in which he is likely to compete and travel less.

The sprinter has been back in Jamaica for around a month and after attending various awards ceremonies and other functions on Sunday, he took part in what should have been a fun, laidback event – a charity cricket match.

But Jamaica's most famous son does not get much in the way of personal time when he ventures out in public, and he was constantly surrounded by fans, spending a good chunk of the day signing autographs and posing for photographs.

Asked if he was able to have any kind of normal life, Bolt revealed a little frustration but was careful to show appreciation for his fans.

"No, no, if I go out to an event I can't get five minutes just to chill out; everyone is always asking me to take pictures, coming up to me wanting autographs and so on," he said.

"I've seen a lot though, so it's not hard to deal with and it's good for me to take time with my fans and take pictures," he said.

As well as a fan base to take care of, the 23-year-old, who on Monday was awarded the Order of Jamaica to make him the youngest person to win the nation's fourth highest honour, also has the responsibility for being the most identifiable symbol of the Caribbean island.

