May 19, 2024, 07:41 AM IST

Probiotic foods for gut health

Ritik Raj

Pickles: You can get good bacteria from naturally fermented pickles that are made without vinegar. It is important to choose pickles that are fermented in brine rather than vinegar.

Yoghurt: This dairy product is well-known for its probiotic content, which can help with digestion and gut microbiome restoration.

Buttermilk: A dairy product made from the liquid left over after churning butter from cream. Traditional buttermilk contains probiotics that may be good for gut health.

Kefir: This fermented milk beverage is high in beneficial bacteria and yeast, which can help keep your gut healthy.

Sauerkraut: is made from fermented cabbage, which contains lactic acid bacteria that aid digestion and promote a healthy gut environment.

Kimchi: is a hot Korean dish made from fermented vegetables such as radishes and cabbage. It contains probiotic strains that may help support gut health.

Miso: This traditional Japanese seasoning is made with fermented soybeans, salt, and koji. It is commonly used in soups and has probiotics that may be beneficial to your digestive system.

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.