
Dalai Lama announces he will step down as Tibet's political leader

The 76-year-old head of the exiled Tibetan movement said he will formally propose to Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile that necessary amendments be made to reflect his decision.

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Dalai Lama announces he will step down as Tibet's political leader


The Dalai Lama today announced he would step down as political head of Tibetan government-in-exile but will remain as spiritual leader and continue to advocate "meaningful autonomy" for Tibet.

The 75-year-old Nobel Peace Laureate, who has been at the forefront of a six-decade-long struggle for freedom of Tibetans, also said he would hand over his "formal authority" to a "freely-elected" leader.

The Dalai, who will retain the more significant role of Tibet's spiritual leader, made it clear that he was committed to playing his part for the "just cause" of Tibet.

Making the announcement in his speech on the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising Day in Dharamsala, he said he will formally propose to the Tibetan parliament in-exile on Monday to make necessary amendments to the Charter for Tibetans in-exile reflecting his decision to devolve his "formal authority" to an elected leader.

"As early as the 1960s, I have repeatedly stressed that Tibetans need a leader, elected freely by the Tibetan people, to whom I can devolve power.

"Now, we have clearly reached the time to put this into effect," the Dalai, who had escaped to India in 1959 after a failed uprising against Chinese rule, told hundreds of exiled Tibetans at the Main Temple in this hill resort.

The new Parliament will be elected when Tibetans across the world will vote on March 20. By devolving his powers, the Dalai hopes to give the prime minister greater clout as the region seeks autonomy from China.

In a quick response, China said the talk of retirement "are his (Dalai) tricks to deceive the international community."

"The Dalai is in political exile under a religious cloak long engaged in activities aimed at splitting China," Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu said.

"The government-in-exile is an illegal political organistion and no country in the world recognises it," she added.

The Dalai, who has lived in exile in Dharamsala since 1959 had earlier expressed his intention to step down as political head, but this is the first time he is publicly making his intention clear and asking the Tibetan people to accept his decision.

The Tibetan leader said ever since he made his intention to retire from active politics, he has been receiving repeated requests both from within and outside Tibet to continue to provide leadership.

"My desire to devolve authority has nothing to do with a wish to shirk responsibility. It is to benefit Tibetans in the long run. It is not because I feel disheartened.

"Tibetans have placed such faith and trust in me that as one among them I am committed to playing my part in the just cause of Tibet," he said in his 15-minute speech in Tibetan language.

His speech made it clear that he would not be withdrawing from public life and remained "committed to playing my part in the just cause of Tibet."

Hundreds of people, including children and women, had gathered at the temple to pay tributes to people who laid their lives for the cause of Tibet and to listen to the Dalai Lama’s annual speech.

The spiritual leader said he believed that gradually people will come to understand his intention, will support and accordingly let it take effect.

Reacting to the Dalai Lama’s announcement, prime minister of Tibetan government-in-exile Samdhong Rinpoche said the political transition which the spiritual leader wants is unlikely to happen immediately.

"Despite His Holiness’ request, the Tibetan and the government-in-exile do not feel competent to lead ourselves independently without the Dalai Lama. It is a very long and difficult process.

"We have to think in an innovative manner to solve the issue," he told reporters later. The Dalai has said he does not want independence for Tibet, only meaningful autonomy.

The Dalai also called on China's leaders to show greater transparency.

"China, with the world's largest population, is an emerging world power and I admire the economic development it has made," he said.

"It also has huge potential to contribute to human progress and world peace. But to do that, China must earn the international community's respect and trust.

"In order to earn such respect China's leaders must develop greater transparency, their actions corresponding to their words. To ensure this, freedom of expression and freedom of the press are essential."

The Dalai Lama, who was just 15 when he was appointed 'head of state' after Chinese troops moved into Tibet, proposed sending fact-finding delegations to Tibet and said he would encourage the despatch of representatives of independent international bodies, including parliamentarians.

"If they were to find that Tibetans in Tibet are happy, we would readily accept it," he said.

Rinpoche said the Dalai Lama wants to completely retire from politics as he feels that "political leadership should not be confined to one person and individual."

To a specific question, he said the Tibetan parliament-in-exile would have to find an innovative way to "accommodate" the aspirations of the Tibetan people and the desire of the Dalai Lama.

"It appears that the resolution of the His Holiness will not be passed. In that case there will be a deadlock. We are urging members of Tibetan parliament to find a wise way so that people’s aspirations are also met," he said.

The Dalai Lama also said the Tibetan government-in-exile has to find a way to keep the dialogue process going with the Chinese government.

Referring to the ‘Jasmine Revolution’ in the Middle East in his speech, the Dalai Lama said he was a firm believer in non-violence and people-power and these events have shown once again that determined non-violent action can indeed bring about positive change.

"We must all hope that these inspiring changes lead to genuine freedom, happiness and prosperity for the peoples in these countries," he said.

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