Jan 30, 2024, 05:29 PM IST

Jobs that might disappear in next 10 years

Khushi Patel

As organisations increasingly rely on digital marketing methods, advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and automated calling systems may lessen the necessity for human telemarketers


By streamlining data entry procedures, automation and machine learning technologies may help to decrease the need for human data entry clerks

Data Entry Clerks

The need for traditional cashier jobs may reduce as self-checkout and automated payment technology proliferate in retail establishments

Retail Cashiers

The necessity for in-person bank tellers has decreased due to the use of automated teller machines (ATMs), mobile payment apps, and online banking. As a result, employment losses in this sector may occur

Bank Tellers

The demand for postal workers' services may drop as a result of the rise of digital communication and the demise of traditional mail services

Retail Cashiers

The demand for postal workers' services may drop as a result of the rise of digital communication and the demise of traditional mail services

Fast Food Cooks

The demand for human chauffeur services and taxi drivers may be affected by the introduction of self-driving cars and ride-sharing systems

Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs

The textile industry may require less manual labour if automation and robotics are used in activities like fabric cutting and garment stitching

Textile Workers

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