Jan 5, 2024, 05:56 PM IST

Future of automobile industry without fossil fuels

Deepika Shakya

In the future, most cars will run on electricity instead of gas. This is like your toy cars but much bigger.

Electric Cars Everywhere

We'll have lots of places to charge these electric cars, like how you charge your tablet or game console at home.

Charging Stations Everywhere

Cars will become smarter and might drive by themselves. It's like having a robot friend driving you around.

Cars Driving Themselves

The way we make cars will change. We'll use better and lighter materials to make them, making them stronger and more efficient.

New Way of Making Cars

It's like having a big battery that can give power when we need it.

Car Batteries Helping the Power Grid

We might share cars more, like when you share toys with your friends. This way, we use fewer cars and help the environment.

Sharing Cars More

 The government will make rules to make sure these new cars are good for the Earth.

Rules from the Government

In the future, cars will mostly run on electricity, and we'll have many places to charge them.

The information provided should not be considered as confirmed or guaranteed, as the future is uncertain.