May 9, 2024, 05:33 PM IST

10 foods items banned in India

Pravrajya Suruchi

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, trout, and sardines can help reduce inflammation and lower levels of triglycerides, thus promoting heart health.

Fatty Fish

Chinese Milk and Milk Products (Since 2008): This ban by FSSAI arose due to concerns about melamine contamination in Chinese dairy products.

Hormone-Treated Meat (Import Banned): The import of hormone-treated meat is banned in India to prevent potential health risks associated with artificial growth hormones

Genetically Modified (GM) Mustard (Cultivation Ban): The cultivation of genetically modified mustard is not permitted in India due to ongoing safety evaluations.

Potassium Bromate (Banned in Bread): This additive, once used as a dough conditioner, has been banned in India due to potential links to cancer.

Artificial Ripening Agents for Fruits: Chemicals that artificially ripen fruits are prohibited in India to ensure consumer safety.

Confectionery with Trans Fats (Partially Banned): The use of trans fats in processed foods is partially banned in India, with limitations on the amount that can be present.

Packaged Foods with Excessive Salt Levels: While not a complete ban, FSSAI regulations aim to gradually reduce sodium content in packaged foods.

Shark Fins (Import Banned): The import of shark fins is banned in India to help conserve shark populations and protect endangered species.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports