The principals of institutions will be liable to pay a fine of Rs25,000 per teacher, if their faculty do not turn up for evaluation of Bangalore University (BU) answer scripts.


The decision to this effect was taken at the academic council meeting on Tuesday.

“Why should the results be withheld because of some teachers who are not present for the evaluation? The students should not be made to suffer for no fault of theirs,” said BU vice-chancellor, N Prabhu Dev.

Recently, DNA had reported that many lecturers failed to attend evaluation work, held from November 25 to December 20, 2010, despite a circular issued by the commissioner of collegiate education. According to figures available from the university, about 25% to 30% of lecturers who were required for evaluation did not turn up.

Although the university had expected 3,000 evaluators, only 2,600 lecturers attended.  Evaluation for English answer scripts, was affected the most as only 280 lecturers were on duty, while the requirement was for 350 evaluators.

They also agreed to extend the payment of examination fee, without fine to January 31, an extension by a week, from the original date of payment.

A corporate sub-committee was also formed during the meeting to look into ways of generating funds, for the university, rather than increasing admission and examination fees.

According to Prabhu Dev, the salary requirement for Bangalore University is currently `55 crore, and with the talent scholarships in place and the mid-day meal schemes for post-graduate (PG) students to be introduced in February, the funds required are on the rise.

Photographs of candidates will be affixed on the degree certificates before they are issued to them. This is to prevent fake degree certificates from being circulated either for employment purposes or for studies abroad.

With regard to reforms for PhD programme, candidates from the humanities stream can opt for co-guides from international institutions. A course work of six months has also been included. A dean’s committee was formed to look into matters, with regard to PhD reforms.

It was also agreed that hostel allocation for those pursuing their PhDs would be approved only after registration, rather than after enrolment, to reduce the number of candidates who enrol and make use of the hostel facility for years.

Prabhu Dev also stated that from 1980, 35 candidates had applied for an extension of their PhD programmes.

The meeting also decided to give away gold medals to students, each worth `10,000. It was proposed that the BU should contribute from its resources to make the medals by diverting the funds earmarked in the university budget for cutting down on the vice-chancellor’s international dinner meet and post-convocation dinner.

The council meeting also resolved to de-affiliate 19 evening colleges for failing to meet the required standards.