Through our progress in science the wholeness of the world and our oneness with it is becoming clearer. When this perception of the perfection of unity is not merely intellectual, when it opens out our whole being into a luminous consciousness of the All, then it becomes a radiant joy. Our spirit finds its larger self in the whole world, and is filled with an absolute certainty that it is immortal. It dies a hundred times in its enclosures of self; of separateness. But it never can die where it is one with the All, for there is its truth. When a man feels the rhythmic throb of the soul-life of the whole world in his own soul, then is he free. Then he enters into the secret courting that goes on between this beautiful world-bride, veiled with the veil of the many-coloured finiteness, and the paramatmam, the bridegroom, in his spotless white. Then he knows that he is the honoured guest at the feast of immortality. He then understands the seer-poet who sings, “From love the world is born, by love it is sustained, towards love it moves, and into love it enters.” The author (1861-1941) was the first Asian to win the Nobel prize for Literature in 1913