Crises differ between countries due to the different viewpoints and ideologies of each country, whether these policies are designed and planned to reach a goal. The crisis may be also a recent emergency, as is the case in the Covid-19 pandemic, which hit many countries without a warning. The crisis may have limited features with one party in a country, as happened in Greece, the economic collapse and the crisis that was threatening the euro area. Crises may be unilateral, bilateral, or multilateral, as it is the case with the liberation of Kuwait war in 1991. Crises may be outside the control of the state due to natural disasters such as volcanoes and hurricanes.


The crisis is defined as a period of tension and a turning point from one situation to another, and it needs a quick decision to stop this decline or collapse as it affects the various relevant entities as it the case with political, economic, natural, social, military and security crises.

Crises of all kinds are a major part of political, social and human life of all degrees. This leads everyone to seriously think about how to move the crisis and reach at best results. Is this what was called shifting from negative to positive? This shift requires wise leadership and exemplary leaders.

The diplomatic strategy enjoys widespread interest among the leading elites and formal and informal institutions because of their close relationship with many international politics. The strategy is today used in various fields of life. The strategy is thus, the goals set by the head of state or senior officials to reach results of a specific nature. They put in place tools to achieve such strategy.

Diplomatic strategy is one of the most important tools for decision-makers and their future vision of the country's foreign policy in dealing with its regional and international environment. This policy depends mainly on national interests and how to strengthen and sustain the internal fabric of the country and develop it in the best way possible through its tools- diplomatic missions of various degrees

Recently, the Sultanate received 100,000 doses of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine from India where the medicine was produced at Serum Institute. Oman’s Minister of Health has thanked the government of India for delivering 100,000 vaccines at no charge, to help with the country’s coronavirus vaccination drive. The doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine were produced by the Serum Institute of India, having undergone clinical trials to ensure they were safe to use on humans.

The deep historical ties between the Sultanate and India span thousands of years. Late Sultan Qaboos laid the foundations of a solid diplomatic strategy between the two countries, as they share the same concept of strategy and objectives. The two countries’ diplomacies are based on quiet diplomacy, away from foreign interference in the regional and international environment. The first Indian ambassador to the Sultanate arrived in 1973 and the Sultanate opened an embassy in New Delhi in 1972.

It is well known that India is a country with an ancient history and civilization for thousands of years and it is an advanced industrial country in all fields. There have been flourishing old trade and cultural relations hundreds of years ago linking the two friendly peoples outside the scope of international protocols and frameworks of diplomatic systems. In terms of diplomacy and politics, the Sultanate’s government supported India’s position to have a permanent membership in the UN Security Council. India has been an important trading partner for Oman since the beginning of its strong ties. Sultan Haitham bin Tariq emphasized the foreign policy approach, as His Majesty said, “We will externally follow the line drawn by Sultan Qaboos. This positive and distinguished step by the friendly Republic of India did not come out of a vacuum, but rather came with the concerted views and efforts of the head of the two countries.

The Omani people and government will record this generous gesture and step by India in golden letters. The gesture will remain in history as an example of love and respect between the two friendly countries and peoples at various governmental and popular levels. It also reflects the keenness of both countries to remain beside each other at will and woe. I hope that this initiative will be an example to be followed in resolving international crises. I hope this will deter unfriendly countries to stop weaving conspiracies here and there to serve causes that will not serve humanity.

The author is a former diplomat of the Oman foreign ministry.

(Disclaimer: The views expressed above are the author's own and do not reflect those of DNA.)