Today Zee TV and Invesco dispute was heard in the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) and Zee has got a big success in this. NCLT has given Zee more time to present its case. NCLT has said that ZEEL was not given sufficient time to file its reply and this is against the principle of justice. Now only after hearing Zee's side, NCLT will give any decision on this.


Yesterday we showed you the interview of Zee TV founder Dr Subhash Chandra. He had clearly said in this interview that INVESCO is not the owner of Zee TV but the real owner of Zee TV is its 2.5 lakh shareholders. You should listen to that talk of Subhash Chandra once again because the fight to save Zee TV is not a fight to save shares and stocks but it is a fight for self-respect and to save the faith of those 2.5 lakh people. It is the battle of the people who not only made a channel strong by investing in Zee TV but also made the country strong.

Zee TV is synonymous with India, generations of India have grown up with Zee TV, and as India changed, Zee TV also kept changing. Zee TV was India's first private satellite channel and with Zee, a new industry started in India which not only took many people to great heights but for the first time taught the families of India to watch TV together 

Dr Subhash Chandra has been the biggest witness of this entire journey of Zee TV. After his interview, the atmosphere of the whole country changed in such a way that the audience became emotional, crores of people came and stood behind Zee and people started writing on social media that they would not let India's Zee down.

A person named Avinash wrote on Twitter that he owns some shares of Invesco and will sell them and buy Zee TV shares because no one can take away his childhood experiences which Zee TV has given him.

Similarly, a Twitter user named Gautam Sagar also wrote that he will also buy Zee's shares. Pankaj Goyal wrote that Zee belonged to the country and will remain of the country because blood and sweat have been shed to make Zee's dreams come true and it has fulfilled the dreams of crores of people of the country.

During this, people started tagging each other on Twitter and started appealing to take this campaign forward. The hashtag 'Desh Ka Zee' was trending at number one in India and it was also included in the top trend of the world. Apart from this hashtag, Subhash Chandra, #Zeel, #Zee TV, and #Invesco, were also trending.

The hashtag 'Desh Ka Zee' reached 450 crore people and more than 1,27,000 people got engaged with it and this hashtag remained in Top Trends for 19 hours. 

Millions of people supported us not only on Twitter but also on Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram. This interview, which aired yesterday, was watched by 30 lakh people on different digital platforms of Zee News till midnight last night and 52 lakh people on the digital platforms of 17 different channels of Zee. If the number of foreign viewers is also added to this, then it becomes more than one and a half crore viewers. 

These are figures only till midnight last night and do not include figures of TV viewers. On average, one crore people see DNA every day, and adding to this the number of viewers of other Zee channels, you can say that more than 100 million people have watched this interview so far. 

America's most famous news show 'Hannity' is also watched by only 3 million viewers every night on TV. Zee News is seen in 180 countries of the world so we are collecting more data from other places that means the number of people watching this interview can be much more than this.

By morning, the discussion of this interview started happening in the media of the country and the world as well. India's big newspapers have quoted this interview. It is not only our success but also the audience of Zee TV and Zee News because when crores of different fingers turn into a fist for a mission, so its attack even the biggest invader cannot bear.

In the dispute between Invesco and Zee, the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has given ZEEL Company more time to present its case. It's a big win.