The already infamous onion prices are now accompanied by soaring tomato prices, adding to the burden on people's taste buds and budgets. Tomatoes are currently being sold at an alarming Rs. 100 per kilogram across the country, with prices doubling or even tripling in recent days. It seems that tomatoes have borne the brunt of inflation, impacting consumers' wallets significantly.


Rising Tomato Prices Across Cities: Major cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Bhopal, Jaipur, Jabalpur, and Jammu have witnessed a sharp surge in tomato prices. In the capital city Delhi, tomatoes are priced between Rs. 70 to 100 per kilogram, while Mumbai sees rates between Rs. 100 to 120 per kilogram. Other cities like Lucknow, Bhopal, Jabalpur, and Jaipur experience prices ranging from Rs. 70 to 100 per kilogram. Even Jammu, the city of temples, has seen tomatoes priced at Rs. 80 to 100 per kilogram.

Reasons behind the price hike:

1. Unfavorable weather conditions: The onset of unseasonal rains in April and May caused significant damage to tomato crops, leading to a reduced supply.

2. Decline in production: Scorching heatwaves across several states adversely affected tomato production, further impacting the supply.

3. Lower Crop Sowing: This year, tomato cultivation has been comparatively lower than the previous year, resulting in an inadequate supply to meet the growing demand.

4. Perishability challenges: Tomatoes have a short shelf life and are prone to spoilage, making their availability even more challenging.

5. Natural disasters: The states of Gujarat and Maharashtra, known for tomato production, faced the impact of the Biparjoy storm, further reducing the tomato supply.

6. Farmer shift: Last year, farmers found lucrative opportunities in the beans and pulses market, prompting some tomato farmers to switch crops, leading to reduced tomato cultivation.

Impact on farmers: Farmers faced distress during April and May due to insufficient returns on their tomato produce, resulting in protests and wastage. The recent surge in prices brings temporary relief to farmers; however, it highlights the unpredictable and volatile nature of the market, posing challenges for their livelihoods.

Impact on consumers: The exorbitant prices of tomatoes put a strain on consumers' budgets, making it difficult for them to afford this essential ingredient. As tomatoes are a staple in Indian cuisine, this price surge affects the taste and affordability of daily meals.

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