Now we will tell you about news from North Korea, after seeing which you will find India's democracy and its unlimited freedom very beautiful.


About five thousand kilometres from India, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has completely banned the citizens of his country from laughing, celebrating and consuming alcohol for 11 days. This ban has been imposed because on this day in the year 2011, the former Supreme Leader of North Korea and Kim Jong Un's father Kim Jong-il died. That is, on his 10th death anniversary, to ensure there is an atmosphere of mourning in North Korea, dictator Kim Jong Un banned people from laughing.

In a country like India where many people do not understand the importance of freedom, today they should understand the pain of 25 million people of North Korea, who cannot even express their feelings openly. North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has decided that 11 days of national mourning will be observed in memory of his father.

During this, there will be a complete ban on laughing of people. The police of every city will have to ensure that between December 11 and December 27, people are not seen laughing in public places. Apart from this, police will also be deployed in residential areas to monitor the people. If any person is found laughing during national mourning, he will be arrested as an ideological criminal and will be given the harshest punishment without trial. This punishment can also be death.

Along with laughing, people will not be able to celebrate. If a child is born in a family, the members of that family will remain sad. And they won't even congratulate each other. If someone's birthday happens during this time, then that person cannot celebrate this day as well. One more thing, those who will go out of their homes in these 11 days have to make sure that they look very sad.

If a person dies in a family, the people of that family cannot even cry loudly during these 11 days. If the sound of crying comes even outside the house, that person will be arrested. Apart from this, the cremation of the dead person will also not be allowed during the national mourning. Imagine, during this time, the person who will lose his loved ones there will not be able to express his pain openly. This is such a big and ugly joke, but the western countries, which call themselves champions of human rights, are silent on this. And the United Nations has also not done anything on this dictatorial decision of North Korea so far. This exposes these international institutions and western countries.

Liquor shops in North Korea will also remain closed during national mourning. If during this time, a person consumes alcohol even while staying in his house, and his complaint is received by the police, then he will be put in jail for life.

Apart from this, this rule was applicable only for today that people cannot buy any goods from the market on the death anniversary of Kim Jong-il. That is, if the ration in someone's house is over, then he will remain hungry today and no one will buy anything.

Kim Jong-un's father Kim Jong-il was no messiah for the people of North Korea. Rather, he was considered more fanatical and dangerous than the current dictator. He was the Supreme Leader of North Korea for 17 years from 1994 to 2011, during which he killed hundreds of people, imprisoned thousands of people and tortured them and took away their rights and freedom. That is, the history of North Korea is full of his brutal dictatorship, but despite this, today, 25 million people who do not want to pay tribute to him on his death anniversary, have to pretend to look sad. Although this is not the first time there.

In 2011, when Kim Jong-il died of a heart attack at the age of 69, every citizen of North Korea was told that if they did not shed tears by attending the last journey of their Supreme Leader, they would be severely tortured and their children's lives would be ended before they even started.

At that time, millions of people came out on the streets of North Korea's capital Pyongyang due to fear and with fake tears, they bid their last farewell to their cruel Supreme Leader.

Now think once and see if this can happen in India. India is a democratic country and here 135 crore people have the freedom to laugh openly, cry freely and say anything openly. And here you can also see some people abusing a leader on his death anniversary.

For example, like alcohol is banned in North Korea, liquor shops across India remain closed on October 2, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. That is, on this day, there is a Dry Day. But according to a report, if on any given day in the whole year, most liquor is sold in black, then that day is October 2. That is, many people are unable to give up the consumption of alcohol even on the birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. With this, you can easily understand the difference between freedom and dictatorship.