After ED, now CBI has shattered Kejriwal's dream of release. CBI arrested Kejriwal in the liquor policy case this morning and produced him in the trial court and sought 5 days remand. The court has sent Kejriwal on three-day CBI remand.


CBI was the first to register a case in the liquor policy case in August 2022. After which ED started investigating the allegations of money laundering in this case. When Kejriwal was hoping that he would get bail from the Supreme Court, CBI arrested him before that. Now questions are also being raised on the timing of CBI.

Today, there was an argument between CBI and Kejriwal in the courtroom, after which it was claimed that Kejriwal told CBI that Manish Sisodia is to blame for the liquor policy case. But did Kejriwal say so?

While seeking Kejriwal's remand, the CBI lawyer also argued that Kejriwal has put the entire blame on Manish Sisodia. Kejriwal will have to be questioned on this. On this, Kejriwal protested and said, according to CBI sources, "It is being said that I have put all the blame on Manish Sisodia. I have not given any such statement. I had said that Manish Sisodia is innocent. AAP is innocent."

Kejriwal said It should be recorded in the court that CBI should not spread all this in the media. On this, the CBI lawyer said, "I myself have argued on the basis of facts that Kejriwal has put the blame on Sisodia." And after this, the question arose whether Kejriwal implicated Manish Sisodia. But now Aam Aadmi Party is also saying the same thing that Kejriwal said in the court.