BJP had given a challenge to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who rejected it while he was in jail. But later accepted it as soon as he came out of jail. On Sunday, CM Kejriwal announced that he would resign from the post of Chief Minister on Tuesday. But the question is why? Why is Kejriwal resigning? What is going on in Kejriwal's mind? You will get the answers in this report.


Ten years ago, Kejriwal had announced his resignation for the first time, and now after 10 years, Kejriwal has announced his resignation for the second time. Kejriwal said he would not sit in the chair until the people of Delhi gave him a 'certificate of honesty'. "I am going to resign after two days and ask people whether I am honest. I want to appeal to the public, if you think Kejriwal is honest, vote for me. If you think Kejriwal is guilty, do not vote for me," he recently said.

Has Kejriwal announced his resignation for the second time so that he can reserve his seat for the third time? These could be the reasons for Kejriwal's resignation announcement and AAP is also campaigning on the same lines.

  • Being the Chief Minister is not the priority
  • Strengthening the image of honesty again
  • Creating an atmosphere of sympathy among the people of Delhi
  • Strengthening the party in the Haryana elections

If Kejriwal wanted, he could have resigned even before going to jail, but he waited till he came out of jail to resign. Now there seem to be two reasons for this. First is to repair the dent on his image of staunch honesty due to the liquor scam. The second is to puncture the politics of BJP which is adamant on demanding resignation.

What could Kejriwal have done as the Chief Minister anyway, as the Supreme Court has neither given him permission to go to the Chief Minister's office nor to sign any file. So, if he has to only campaign for the elections, then he should do it properly, Kejriwal has understood this.