Opposition Congress in Karnataka today demanded the resignation of the entire BJP government headed by BS Yeddyurappa in the wake of the Lok Ayukta report on the mining scam, citing "collective responsibility"."The entire BJP government must go. Looting has gone up," leader of the opposition in the assembly Siddaramaiah said, referring to the report that pegged loss to the state exchequer due to illegal mining between 2006 and 2010 at Rs16,085 crore.He said when Congress raised the issue of illegal mining by the Reddy brothers -- Ministers G Karunakara and G Janardhana -- in the assembly, Yeddyurappa defended them saying they were not engaged in it "despite in the know"."It's collective responsibility, the entire government should go," Siddaramaiah said.The Lok Ayukta report submitted to the government yesterday has indicted Yeddyurappa and four ministers, including the Reddy brothers, among others, following which the BJP central leadership has asked the Chief Minister to step down.