Karnataka government would abide by the Supreme Court decision on the recommendation of Central Empowered Committee to extend CBI probe into illegal mining in the state, Chief Minister DV Sadananda Gowda said today."I will abide by the Supreme Court decision," he told reporters when asked about CEC's recommendation to the court yesterday for a CBI probe into illegal mining in Karnataka.Gowda had earlier rejected demands for a CBI probe citing the Lok Ayukta investigation into the illegal mining in the state.Under the apex court ruling, the CBI is investigating into illegal mining in Andhra Pradesh.Former Karnataka minister and mining baron G Janardhana Reddy and his brother-in-law Srinivasa Reddy have been arrested by the CBI in this connection.The SC-appointed CEC has extensively inspected mining areas in parts of Karnataka earlier and opined that illegal mining had taken place in the state.Gowda in reply to a question said those facing allegations of any sort cannot be inducted into the ministry, obviously referring to the Reddy brothers and mining magnates.On former minister B Sreeramulu, who has resigned from his Assembly membership, he expressed hope he would withdraw it.Sreeramulu, a business associate of the Reddy family, submitted his resignation letter to Speaker KG Bopaiah in person on September 4, but it was yet to be accepted.