Sayyed Mohammed alias Munna Darbadar, a Mumbai gangster, who was wanted in a robbery case, was killed in Gulbarga on Wednesday in an exchange of fire between him and police officers trying to apprehend him.Three police officers, Sub-Inspectors Mallikarjun Bande and Murali and ASI Hemant Uddandappa, were injured, Bande seriously, in the shootout which took place as Munna tried to evade arrest by a team of policemen headed by the two SIs.On a tip-foff, Bande and Murali rushed to Chhota Devadi area under Roza police station to arrest Munna, who tried to flee. As the team, consisting of 15 constables, thwarted his escape, he rushed into a house. As the inmates,three women and a senior citizen, looked on terrified, SIs Bande and Murali, wearing bullet proof vests entered into the house with the intention of nabbing him alive. But Munna allegedly opened fire, forcing the officers to shoot back.PSIs Bande, Murali, ASI Uddandappa and Munna were injured in gun fire. Munna was taken to the government hospital where he died.  The three officers were admitted to Basaveshwar hospital.As Bande’s injuries were serious, neuro surgeons Dr Shashank and Santosh conducted surgery. Head of the hospital Dr Sharanabasappa Hariwal opined that chances of officer Bande surviving were “10%”.“He is suffering from celebral edema, blood vessels are blocked,” he added. Officials are thinking to shift Bande to Yeshoda Hospital in Hyderabad. Uddandappa has been sent to Global Hospital in Hyderabad. IGP North-eastern range Mohammed Wazir Ahmed said Munna was wanted in the case of robbery at Muthoot Finance in the city recently.