Karnataka chief minister BS Yeddyurappa today slammed the opposition Congress-JD(S) combine for attempting to destablise his government and said he had created "history of sorts" by winning the trust vote for a second time in a gap of three days."I thank all those who supported my government. The government winning the trust vote today is a victory of democracy. In the history of the country, there is no instance of a government proving majority within three days after winning the trust vote", he said."I have created history of sorts by winning the trust vote for the second time in three days", Yeddyurappa told reporters after winning the motion of confidence by 106-100 votes.As per the Constitution requirement, a government need not seek the floor test within six months after winning it on the floor of the House, he said pointing out to the compulsion he came under to face the trial of strength for the second time in a week."Without resorting to the path of confrontation on the advise of the BJP high command, I accepted the directive by the honourable governor to prove the majority of my government for the second time today. I proved that my government enjoys the confidence of this House", a beaming Yeddyurappa said.The events that swept the political scene of the state in the past one week during which the opposition tried to topple an elected government have put a "black spot" on the otherwise good image of Karnataka, he said."I appeal to the people to forget this era of black days and extend cooperation in continuing development works and revive the good cultural image the state had enjoyed", he appealed.


Yeddyurappa charged that there have been attempts from opposition parties to destablise his government ever since it assumed office in 2008."At least hereafter let the opposition parties give up their plans to topple my government and extend cooperation for taking the state on the developmental path", he said.Yeddyurappa said he would not succumb to any "lobby" and strive towards protecting the resources of the state.Yeddyurappa, who seemed to have been agitated over the campaign unleashed by Congress and JDS against its government over various scams including on denotification of lands and illegal mining, described it as "dim lamp glowing brighter before getting extinguished"."Instead of becoming beacon for development of the state, they have turned into a devastating fire that has engulfed the good image of the state", Yeddyurappa hit out at both the opposition.He took a dig at former chief minister and JD(S) leader HD Kumaraswamy for his remarks on "dharma", saying "what is dharma and adharma, Kumaraswamy should tell the people"."I have learnt many a lessons in the last two-and-a -half years. Learning from this experience, I will now focus on development activities", he promised.