
Video| Milind Soman: It’s a little strange that Bollywood directors don’t offer me films

Milind Soman says that he wants to explore his potential as an actor and it's not by design that he appears so less in films these days

Video| Milind Soman: It’s a little strange that Bollywood directors don’t offer me films
Milind Soman, Ankita Konwar, Bollywood, Fitness, Health, Travel, Travel & Tourism, Health & Fitness

Indian supermodel, actor, film producer, fitness promoter and an avid marathon runner - Milind Soman is known for his fitness pursuits all around the world.

After having finished world's toughest endurance challenges - the Ultraman World Championship and the Ironman Triathlon, the 'Made In India' man is gradually settling into family life with his beautiful wife Ankita Konwar. 

However, that does not mean he plans to cut down on his running even a bit because for him, it's now become a lifestyle. The 52-year-old man feels blessed to have a both a fitness enthusiast and a travel companion in his wife Ankita. Travel and running are two of their favourite things and they never miss out on an opportunity to blend both.

Ask him how they stay fit while travelling and he gives an elaborate answer on the four golden rules that he follows - 

Just a few minutes a day is all you need

There's a big myth about staying fit that you need to invest a lot of time and you need to go to the gym and you need to have a lot of equipments and infrastructure. But that's not really true. You need to just have a few minutes. Three or four minutes every morning and maybe another three-four minutes in the night.

Finding a place that is conducive for staying active

When I'm travelling, I don't like hotels that much because the spaces they have are really small. So, I look for a homestay or an Airbnb property which is large enough where you could just stretch out to do your thing. You can do yoga or push-ups or pull-ups. You can exercise together if we want. Or the locations that they have are pretty spectacular so you can just get out on the beach anytime you want. So, the idea is to find a space that is conducive to being active.

Eating right while travelling 

You also need to eat the right kind of food. When I say that I mean, getting food made by a person you know and in the way that you understand. Most of us have this habit of going out and eating at restaurants and hotels. And, even when you travel, you stay at a hotel and you eat at the restaurant there or with room-service. You don't understand who is making the food, how are they making it, what's going inside. It's just tastes good that's all. But, when you are making it your self or somebody you know is making it, that you can be sure is going to be the healthiest food. Having control over what you eat, is very very important.

One’s stomach should always be ready to do 20 push-ups

It all comes down to making the right choices. Bad habits are easy to slip into and good habits are very easy to build. Don’t allow yourself to do something that can destroy you. No one’s asking you not to eat pizza or cake – it’s all about when you eat it and how much. There’s a very simple rule to follow-never eat so much that you can’t do 20 push-ups.

Milind shares how he stays fit while travelling - 

Milind Soman plays 'Pick 1' with DNA -

One look at his Instagram account and you might conclude that there are just two things that Milind has time for - one his wife and second marathons. But, that’s not entirely true. Milind says that he wants to explore his potential as an actor and it's not by design that he appears so less in films these days. 

Over to him...

Why don't we see you more often in films?

Because, I don't get offers. Directors and producers don't come to me with work. That's the reason you don't see (me in films) because I enjoy acting. Some people tell me that I am good at it. Infact, a lot of directors have called me saying that they have enjoyed my work here and there but they never asked me to do a film with them which I find a little strange.

So, you are saying you are more than open to dedicating your time to acting..

Ofcourse! I do it quite often. I did a film last year called 'Chef'. I did a film a year before called 'Bajirao Mastani'. I did a webseries this year. So, I do it often enough. So, it's not that I don't do it atall. I act in projects when the projects come to me and I think that it might be interesting and I have the time, then I do it.

But filmmaking is a time consuming activity and you seem too invested in fitness..

Fitness is a lifestyle. I'm not invested in it. It's like eating. Everybody does that. Sleeping. Everybody does it...It doesn't take up so much time that I can't do anything else. I mean I am part of six companies...Fitness never takes away from anything. It only enhances your ability to do things well.

You seem a bit aloof from the industry..

I am aloof from the industry. I don't have friends in the industry. I don't socialize a lot. Not only with the industry, I just don't socialize a lot. I don't have a kind of network. Maybe if I did it might help because in all businesses you need network. But, I don't do that. Maybe that could be a reason. But, it still doesn't stop anyone from asking me. Because, films and acting is about seeing somebody in a particular character. That's all that there is.

Do you think the industry hasn't been able to explore your potential as an actor?

Well that might seem a little self-absorbed and arrogant for me to say that but I haven't yet explored my potential as an actor. Infact my potential for many things. And a lot is left that I will like to do. I would definitely like to do more films and play more characters and be surprised and have fun. 

Milind reveals the real reason why we don't get to see him in films, more often - 

Milind spoke on the sidelines of an Airbnb event that took place last week in Lonavala. 

