T-Series head honcho Bhushan Kumar announced a big surprise back in March, 2017. He revealed the first look of Gulshan Kumar's biopic which has been titled Mogul. At that moment, Akshay Kumar was cast in the lead role for the film.


The actor however left the project. Soon after Akshay Kumar's exit, Aamir Khan's name started being associated with Mogul. The actor confirmed that he is co-producing the film with T-Series. He backed out of the project when the director of the film Subhash Kapoor was accussed of #MeToo. Kapoor however received a clean chit and now Aamir Khan is back with the project.

Bhushan Kumar confirmed the same with Indian Express. He however did not reveal anything about the lead actor. While some reports assume that Akshay Kumar might be back on the project, others believe that Aamir Khan would play the titular role. It however looks unlikely that either of the two would play the lead role.

Aamir, when celebrating 30 years in Bollywood with the media, had cleared that he would not be acting in the film. A source even revealed to Masala! magazine why that did not happen. “After  Akshay Kumar ’s exit, Bhushan has been trying his level best to convince Aamir Khan to play Gulshan Kumar but with little luck. There are many controversial areas of Gulshan  Kumar’s life that  Aamir doesn’t want to get into,” the source said.

Bhushan, on the other hand, told Indian Express, “I can’t say anything about it right now. Now, I am very comfortable about it because I know the film is happening and with the best person who looks (laughs) like my father. There is no ambiguity in that. So, I am very happy about that.”

“It’s an important and an emotional film for us and that is why it is taking time. We want to make it the best. I am not in a hurry for it because it is not a commercial film for me. Whatever comes, I will have to donate it. That is our family’s thought process since the beginning. We will be announcing the actor very soon. That actor definitely needs seven-eight months to adapt into it. The film will start somewhere in 2020,” he added while talking about when the movie goes on floors.

In conclusion, T-Series head honcho also clarfied that things are positive with Akshay Kumar by saying, “Whatever happened, it happened for the good. I have nothing against anyone. We are working on two-three films with Akshay ji. Whatever miscommunication was there has also gotten cleared. Everything is in a positive space now.”