In terms of box office receipts, Laal Singh Chaddha was among Bollywood's biggest letdowns of the year. The Aamir Khan movie was touted as one of 2022's biggest releases, but it failed to gross even Rs 100 crore worldwide. However, the movie seems to have found its due when it was made available on Netflix earlier this month. The movie has amassed outstanding watching numbers as a result of how well-received it has been by audiences. According to the streaming service, it has risen to the position of number 1 non-English film on Netflix worldwide and number two in India. 


As per Hindustan Times, Laal Singh Chaddha has been streamed on Netflix for 6.63 million hours as of last Thursday, according to information obtained from the service. The movie is well-liked not just in India but also in many other foreign countries. In 13 nations throughout the world, including Mauritius, Bangladesh, Singapore, Oman, Sri Lanka, Bahrain, Malaysia, and the UAE, it has ranked among the top 10 movies. 

This year, several additional box office flops, such as Dhaakad, Attack, and Khuda Haafiz 2, have found a second life on streaming services. The distinction is that Laal Singh Chaddha has achieved considerably greater results outside of India as well. After watching the movie on streaming services, a sizable portion of viewers applauded it and questioned why it had initially failed. 

READ: Streaming This Week: Laal Singh Chaddha, Maja Ma, Raksha Bandhan, OTT releases to binge-watch

Laal Singh Chaddha was the official adaptation of Tom Hanks' cult movie Forrest Gump (1994). The movie was released in cinemas on August 11, with Akshay Kumar's Raksha Bandhan. Before the film's release, netizens had mixed-to-negative opinions about the film. As the release date of the film was nearing, boycott calls for the film started trending on social media sites. Owing to several factors, Laal Singh Chaddha opened to a lukewarm response from the audience, and the film tanked miserably at the box office. The film did business overseas, but that wasn't enough to recover the heavy investment. Laal Singh Chaddha also star Kareena Kapoor Khan in the lead.